Worldwide we can see pearls of architecture. Palais Ideal is one of unusual buildings du Facteur Cheval for Franko, palace being a blend of different styles, dating back from the Bible until the mythology with Hindu. The palace was built by one person of the postman which devoted 33 years for creating him.
See, where the best castles are located in the world. On our list Bojnice Castle, being on Slovakia, romantic is first built castle in 12 of age. Surrounded by the castle park, he is frequented by hundreds of thousands of tourists every year, as well as is a popular place for whirling of fairy tales and fantasy films.
Titanic history is good worldwide. Concept of structure of this ship came into existence in spring of 1907, and was implemented by the White Star Line company. Edward John Smith became a skipper of this huge ship, captain with long-standing experience.