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Thursday, 21 March 2019 09:09

Passive fire protection - what is it?

Fire protection is a very important issue, especially in the case of buildings. The goal of passive fire protection is to increase the safety level of building structures, etc. By applying appropriate techniques it is possible to minimise losses which are, unfortunately, unavoidable in the event of an outbreak of fire.

As it has been claimed by numerous experts, 3D visualizations  have been gaining exceptional popularity in architecture-related branch of industry. Within the scope of this article, we are going to take a closer look at the phenomenon in question and check why is that. Who knows, maybe it will convince you to start opting for such solutions while creating your own projects too.

Tuesday, 12 February 2019 17:35

Banking software for business

The desire to have a thriving business is associated with the need for effective and efficient management of all the financial operations of a company. It is worth entrusting this difficult task to a system that is adapted to it and is constantly updated by specialists. Conducting all these operations yourself is difficult and involves a high risk of making errors, therefore it is recommended to professional banking management tools.

Tuesday, 12 February 2019 13:17

How to prepare a good multimedia presentation?

Although multimedia presentations can be prepared by anyone, many people still make the same mistakes. Copying information from the Internet, pasting it onto individual slides and setting the default font will not be enough to be transparent and achieve your goals.

Tuesday, 29 January 2019 11:23

How to promote your Instagram account

Instagram has become a powerful marketing tool. It has transformed from an entertainment application to a source of livelihood for many people. In order to start generating profits from your Instagram account, it is necessary to know the basic techniques and rules of this platform. We present 5 principles of the most popular and profitable profiles.

Wednesday, 28 June 2017 15:10

Small series production

Modern technologies are evolving at a rapid pace. However, production processes are usually very expensive and time-consuming. Creating prototypes on the basis of which the entire series will be created also generates high costs. That is why small scale production has become so popular. What exactly is it and how are such items produced? Here are some of the most important facts regarding this topic.

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